Community writing features

Learn more about what you can do within a community.

Akilah avatar
Written by Akilah
Updated over a week ago

Within your community, you can share writing and participate in community writing activities. You can post writing prompts, play the back-and-forth writing game "exquisite corpse" with other members, and share writing for community feedback.

In this article:

  • Share writing in a community

  • Post writing prompts

  • Play exquisite corpse

Share writing in a community

All members can post their writing to the community and get feedback from others.

1. Click "Write Something" from your Community Home.

2. Select Write Something New.

An editor will open, similar to what would be shown in a class.

3. Write directly into the editor (or copy and paste from a document). You will be able to preview, save draft and post your work.

4. Once posted, writing will be shown under the "Stories" tab.

Post writing prompts

Anyone can post a writing prompt to the community. However, if you are an admin member of your team, you can also schedule prompts to go out on a weekly basis.
To do this:

1. Click "Write Something" from your Community Home.

2. Select Post Writing Prompt.

3. Add a title and description for your prompt.

4. Click Post Prompt.

Exquisite Corpse

Exquisite Corpse is a collaborative writing activity that is played between two people. Each player takes a turn writing something and then passes to the next player who extends the writing.

To start an exquisite corpse:

1. From your community home, click Write Something.

2. Select Start an Exquisite Corpse.

3. Give your exquisite corpse a title and write the initial starting point for the story. Then click Start Exquisite Corpse. The person who starts, will wait for a second player to join in.

4. All stories can be found and joined from the "Exquisite Corpse" tab.

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