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Choosing your "class type"

Use our three class types to run a class that suits your needs.

Akilah avatar
Written by Akilah
Updated over a week ago

With Wet Ink, you can create engaging and interactive classes with a focus on writing.
Using our in-built features, you can generate learning and discussion that can be as hands-on as you like. 

We have three "class types" to choose from. Using these, you can create classes to suit your needs and teaching style. 

In this article:

  • Class types 

  • Examples on how to use class types 

Class types

🙋‍♀️Group Class 

Use this class type if you want interaction between your participants.

Within this setting, you can create a learning space that encourages engagement between participants. There are commenting sections, discussions, the ability to request assignments and much more! 

You can create lessons to add class learning material, or leave lessons out to run a fully assignment-based class.
Your lessons can be freely available to be worked on at a student's own pace. Or, you can set lessons to open over time, giving the class more structure.

Once the class has been closed, students will receive a copy of all the work they contributed to the class and any feedback they received. This can be sent with or without the lesson content (it is up to the instructor to decide). 

🏃‍♀️Self-Paced Course

Use this type if you want participants to be completely independent.

Within this setting, you create lessons that encourage participants to work through material on their own. 

As the creator of the class, you can view answers and responses from your students to keep up with their progress, but they work entirely on their own. Each student is given their own work space, so they do not see answers or questions from anyone else taking the same course. 

In this class type, students are only given a certain amount of time to complete the course (our default is 30 days). Once a student as entered the class, you can reset this.
Once access has been removed, students will be able to download the class content along with their work for their records. 

👨‍🏫One-on-One Mentorship

Use this type if you want to interact with one student. 

In this setting, you create a class (much like a self-paced course) and invite one student to join. From here, the student can go through class material and ask questions and get feedback from the instructor. 

Examples of how you can use class types

It's up to you on how you would like your class to run, but here are some examples on how Wet Ink can be used.

1. Group Class with instructor

Use our Group Class format when creating your class.

Participants are invited to a class and are lead by an instructor. There is usually class material to work through (this is optional), and different writing assignments. Students and instructors are able to interact and offer feedback throughout the class. 

2. Group Class without Instructor

Use our Group Class format when creating your class. 

This is an alternative to a typical self-paced course. Although there is no instructor, students can work together and ask each other questions.
Once they are invited to the class, students can collectively work through the class material. You can structure the class content such that lessons and assignments are automatically posted over time. 

3. Class without Lessons

Use our Group Class format when creating your class. Skip the option to create lessons and schedule the assignments for students to complete.

Often, teachers just need a space for students to interact and they post assignments as needed. In these classes, there is no lesson content for students to go over. This is typically how Wet Ink is used to support in-person classes.

4. Workshops

Use our Group Class format when creating your class. Skip the option to create lessons and just schedule staggered assignments for students. 

Workshops work around content generated by students in the class. In these classes, students take turns posting their work for the rest class to peer critique. 

5. Self-Paced Course

Use our Self-Paced format when creating your class. 

These classes are taken by students completely on their own. They include lessons taken at the student's chosen pace, without the involvement of an instructor or other students. 

6. One-on-One Mentorship

Use our One-on-One Mentorship format when creating your class. 

The experience in mentorship classes is all about a single student and a mentor. There is only one student in the class, who can work through the lessons at the student's chosen pace and communicate with their mentor.

What's next? 

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